We're enjoying our spring break so far. Today was productive. After a four hour visit to the eye Dr., Kendall had a new prescription, a super cute new pair of glasses on order, an appointment for her next examination under anesthesia, and a shiny new pair of AFO's (I'll spare you listening to the drama involved in obtaining them...the important thing is we finally received them and they fit.)
We started her iodine drops today, the ones we have to have for her study on Thursday and Friday. As soon as I gave them to her, she projectile vomited in the eye Dr.'s waiting room (serves them right for making us wait for so long) So, besides smelling like Pediasure for the rest of the morning, she did fine with the next series of drops through her button. Thursday she goes in for the injection and IV. I'm not really sure what to expect.
I've really been struggling a lot dealing with people. I have absolutely no tolerance for anything anymore. I don't want to be this way. I truly want to expect the best out of people. I don't want to be the grumpy, cynical mom. But I am. In my defense, when you have a child as involved as Kendall...there's really only so much patience you can have. Hours upon hours in waiting rooms, or waiting on people who are late, or on hold with the insurance company (I don't even attempt to call Medicaid anymore) and answering the same stinking questions over and over and over again wears on your nerves. I can actually feel a knot developing in my neck even before I pick up the phone to call hour home health supply company. Automated systems don't work. I need a person, with a name, to address my concerns. And don't even get me started on filling out comment forms. All that seems to lead to is wasting more of my time. These are the reasons I probably seem like a miserable person. I am sleep deprived most of the time, but I do my best to be pleasant...but some days I just can't do it! I wish I could be one of those people who just lets it go, and lets someone else make the complaint, but no. I wasn't raised that way! I'm turning into my mother.
Speaking of my mother...here's a picture of her reading with Kendall today! You would never know she just had half her tongue removed, a neck dissection, and a year of poison filling her body. Nor would you ever know she's over 70 years old! So If I can be as tough as her and still look that great when I'm over 70...I guess those genes aren't so bad :)
Ok. Guess that's enough rambling for one afternoon. I intend to spend the rest of the week soaking up the cuteness of my two babies. Maybe hit the zoo or the Botanic gardens, and just enjoy our spring break together. Things could always be worse.
Hudson Rests in His Hands 5/14/2007-1/2/2022
6 months ago
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