We arrived home from our amazing vacation late last night. Today has been packed full of back to school preparations. Both of my kids are super excited for their new school year.
Of course, I haven't had a chance to go through all my vacation pictures yet, but I will definitely post some with a vacay recap when I have a chance.
Instead, tonight I wanted to share with you a poem Kendall's TVI wrote for about her and sent to me a while back.
Our family feels so lucky to have such an amazing team of people working with Kendall this year. The dedication and love shown by our nurse, teaching team, vision team, and administrators has made the beginning of this year for Kendall (and me) so easy. We are truly grateful and thankful that there are people out there who are ready to fight for our girl and genuinely care about loving her for who she is!
The Masterpiece
There’s a tiny piece of heaven who will breathe Earth’s air tonight
She’s the gift you prayed for when you prayed with all your might.
Straight from God’s own hand, a vision of His heart
Flawlessly designed by angels; she’s a perfect work of art
She’ll have mommy’s soft skin and daddy’s button nose
Perfect in every way from her head to her toes.
With big brown eyes and a dimpled chin
Curly brown hair and a sweet impish grin
What’s that you say…her legs are not strong?
Oh no, God said, you’ve got it all wrong
She will dance in your heart and soar with the wind
In her own time, you’ll be amazed at the races she’ll win.
Her eyes... you say, they cannot see?
But, she sees past the sadness and into the hearts
Of people who love her and make her a part
Of the beauty around her that she’s felt from the start.
Her voice is silent and you can’t hear a word?
Yet, she sings with a rhythm of a soft fragile bird
She speaks to your soul and whispers her love
On the wings of an eagle, with the grace of a dove.
A child so precious, and uniquely your own
Chosen by God, a gift from His throne
A little piece of Heaven meant all along
To fill your life with her strength, her sight and her song.
For Kendall Briggs
With love, Terri Limon
Hudson Rests in His Hands 5/14/2007-1/2/2022
6 months ago
Amazing poem! Thanks for posting!
Beautiful, and totally made me cry.
What a beautiful poem...ditto on the crying!
I just love this! Do you mind if I share it on kidz? It simply HAS to be shared!
Tara...I would love for you to share it! I asked her for permission before I posted it, so I'm sure she's good with it too!
I think it's very important for all of us special mommas to remember that there are people in special ed who have a heart for our kids. it's not always us against them!
This is so beautiful!
That was so amazing! A reminder of how blessed we all are to have these precious children in our lives and how lucky we are to be surrounded by others that love them as their own.
Thank you for sharing this Jocalyn.
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