Just wanted to give a quick update and share some pictures from our summer. I absolutely cannot believe it is almost over.
Kamden and I took a quick trip to Sea World last week. My sister had a work trip, so we tagged along. It was good to have a few days to spend with my boy. He's growing up so fast. I wish I could freeze time.

Both the kids are ready to start school this year. It is very exciting to think Kendall will be attending 5 days a week. She has come so incredibly far this summer. I can't wait to watch those skills continue. She was learning a lot during summer school and really enjoying it. Good things ahead!
I have also accepted a job with Dallas ISD as a teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired. I'm excited, anxious, and so ready to begin my new career journey. I never thought (after my 8 year break!) that I would ever be back in the school district. And Dallas Independent School District was never even an option! But sometimes things just feel right, and Lord knows I've learned to go with my gut! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be back on a teacher's schedule too! Their calendar matches up perfectly with my kids'. I could write a novel about my experiences in Early Childhood Intervention this past summer. It wasn't the greatest for me. I didn't realize how emotionally involved I was in that program. The kids, families, and people I worked with were great. But I truly fear for the future of ECI in our area. Enough said. I can't say I wasn't warned...but I tend to go into things with rose colored glasses.
And my mom. She actually drove herself over to my house today! Hearing her voice as she entered my front door was music to my ears. She looks beautiful. Her scars are healing nicely. She has elected not to do the radiation the Dr.'s suggested. And I can't say that I blame her. She has been through enough.
I'll leave you with this video clip of Kendall eating independently. I have watched it over and over about a hundred times. Knowing that she can do this is a huge breakthrough for me. It also shows that she is an ornery little four year old and only does things when she wants to!