This past weekend we went to Morgan's Wonderland (thanks to the Division for Blind Services) and attended a statewide conference with other families of blind children.
It was an amazing time. Kamden participated in an "open mic" talent show, Kendall experienced her first amusement park, and we thoroughly enjoyed togetherness as we stayed in without any distractions Thursday night and watched movies and ate pizza. We went to dinner with one of my friends I used to work with on Friday, and enjoyed catching up with her and eating yummy Tex Mex.
Kendall did amazingly well. She didn't have any major meltdowns. On the 4 and a half hour drive there, she never took a nap. She did great with the heat (though Morgan's Wonderland is very shaded and air conditioned!)
She proved her travel abilities, and our whole family had a fantastic time. I'm very late in posting these pictures! Like I mentioned before, my braille class is taking over my life. But I took my midterm on Monday, and I'm halfway there. I have to have above an 87% in this class, and if I don't I have to retake the class. And I assure you, I will never take this class again! I want my life back.