"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it." ~Mary Engelbreight
Well, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, we find ourselves in the throws of second opinions. Our new Pediatric Ophthamologist said Children's in Dallas has a great Neurology Dept. Our wonderful nurse at our pediatrician's office got all our info over to them so quickly, we were able to score an appointment tomorrow at 11:30. I almost canceled it today after Dr. Marks called back and said he'd viewed the video and thinks we need to schedule another EEG. Since now I feel like they are giving Kendall a bit more attention. I don't know what I expect to hear. I'm almost afraid to hear anything else, though I suspect it will be something similar to what Dr. Marks has told us. Our pediatrician's nurse put it to me this way. "If you get a second opinion, you most likely won't regret it...but if you don't you'll always wonder." So, I guess that is one of the reasons to go. What's one more appointment in our long list of current appointments? We canceled our PT yesterday because of the weather, and were unable to go today either, but Nonna came over and gave Kendall a pretty good workout. She hasn't had a bowel movement since Friday (TMI...I'm sure) but we think it is because of the medicine. One more thing that makes me hate that darn Klonnopin. OOOOOHHHHH! Wait a minute! just as I was typing that Justin started screaming from the living room. It seems the pear juice, prunes, Miralax, and massage must have worked! Thank God!!! Wish us luck tomorrow. We'll keep you posted as always!
Glad to see that you set up blog! It is so great & easy to post photos!
I love reading your updates on Kendall.
I can't believe how much you look like Kristen in the photo on your blog!
Prayers to all!
p.s. come visit us: http://brodertwins2001.blogspot.com/
Jocie, I'm so happy you started a blog. I know you will enjoy it. I like that you can add pictures when you want. Kendall is so cute and happy. She is amazing!
I don't know what to say to you guys about your most recent struggles so I'll just say that I love ya'll and you are always close to my heart. Give that sweet baby kisses for me and her big brother too!!
I am so glad you are on here so I can read faily updates on your pretty girl!!! By the way Brandi Carlile if my FAVORITE singer, and her song started playing when I clicked on your blog for the first time, and it made me smile! Hang in there girl. We need to get together soon!
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