We just returned from a 2 and a half hour pre-op for Kendall. She was a little angel through the whole thing. It was interesting to me how she woke up in such a great mood...all chatty, lovey, and smiley... then as soon as we stepped foot in that hospital, her mood changed. She became guarded and cautious. Eyeballing everyone who came her direction. She knew where she was and why.
I've been trying harder to talk to Kendall about things that are happening. Our nurse, Angie, does a fantastic job modeling this for me. She tells Kendall everything she's going to do and why. And boy, does Kendall listen! Unfortunately, I am sometimes guilty of just whisking her away, grabbing her hands to do sugar checks, change diapers, set up feeds, etc..
But we've been talking about the procedure tomorrow. She knows what's coming. The anesthesiologist came in and in not so many words was trying to ask if Kendall interacted. He kinda stumbled with his words when asking, so I helped him out. Is there a light on in her brain?! Well, yes, there most certainly is! We've gone back and forth on whether or not to give her a pre-anesthesia drink. You know, the one they take while in the room to calm their nerves before they are sent away with the strangers. At first we said yes, then no, and now I think its yes again. I think we should all continue to treat Kendall the way we would any other 2 year old. She has emotions and fears, she just can't voice them.
There was a lot of talk about the "uniqueness" of the Ketogenic Diet and being Diabetic. We've heard it all many times before. But with surgery, it gets even more complicated. If her sugar drops during surgery because she's been NPO for so long, they normally give a glucose drip through the IV, but then we blow ketosis. Again, its going to be a balancing act...and I feel pretty confident our friends at Cook's know her well enough to stay on top of it. They may have to call our Endocrinologist a few times, but he's the greatest...so I think she'll be OK.
This will be her 6th time to be under, so I shouldn't be worried...but I really, really am. I have had a ton of anxiety about this particular time. There are just so many factors to consider. And then of course, waiting for the results of the muscle biopsy. But I'm putting it in God's hands now. So, if you think about it, say a prayer for my baby girl tomorrow morning please.