When we got hot, we jumped in the pool.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Fun in the Sun
When we got hot, we jumped in the pool.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
So Lethargic
We increased her Vigabatrin and it has made her extremely tired. Hence, the reason I've spent the past 2 hours while she and Kamden have been sleeping fiddling with my blog.
She has slept a lot today and the seizures have not really changed. We are suppose to give her a week at the max dose though...so I know I should be patient. Sigh.
We took her back to the ophthalmologist this morning and everything looks great. Her eye still turns in, but we definitely see improvement. We also picked up her new prescription for her glasses. While we were there, I make an impromptu decision to buy her prescription sun glasses as well. I guess I figured she is in the car and outside enough to warrant the ridiculous cost of the lenses.
About a week ago, our PT dropped off a stander. It is actually really nice, in great shape, with a tray, and it looks brand new. Unfortunately; because we did not have a "resume services" note from our Dr. she was unable to fit her for it. Today we got the OK to start working her again, but she has been way too sleepy to do anything. Hopefully this weekend she will be good to go and we can adjust it. I think she is going to love it.
So I mentioned I was working on my blog. Why, oh why, am I so wrapped up with this thing? I seriously have spent entirely too long trying to figure out how to make a button. I got the button part (see below) but have not had any luck with the "grab my code" part. I'm so over it. I guess I just need to accept that I am technologically challenged. (just ask my IT guy at our corporate office...when I called him freaking out that my wireless on my laptop wasn't working and then realized the wireless switch was turned off!) Spending hours on this thing when I should have been finishing laundry, packing lunches, unloading the dishwasher, and returning e-mails and phone calls was not the best choice!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Seizures, ugh.

Can I just tell you, I hate seizures? They really have to stop sometime soon. They were really bad today. Kendall has been sleeping better, but when she wakes up or is eating, she almost always has more. I can't handle it. They make me absolutely crazy. Seriously, it either makes or breaks my day. When they are mild, she does great. She eats, laughs, holds her head up, plays, looks around. When they are bad, it takes it all out of her. I mean completely wipes her out. We increase her Vigabatrin tomorrow for the last time. This is it. Please keep her in your prayers this week.
Our nutritionist was here today. Not surprising, Kendall has lost weight. We figured she would with the surgery. Fortunately she had gained weight a few weeks ago. She also grew a half an inch! Oh, and her head circumference grew too. We're now at 16.5 inches! Still making a curve...just waaaayyyy below normal... ( I don't know why, but I obsess over her head size, every time we get a new measurement I run home to plot it!)
Justin and I met with the attorney today to set up the Special Needs Trust and change our will. It is really difficult to think about how your kids will survive without you. Especially Kendall. We put a lot of thought into plans for her. But both of us feel like we can breathe a sigh of relief that we've taken care of it. It was definitely money well spent.
Justin's traveling this week again, so Kamden will be the man of the house. Good thing he knows Karate. (he asked me to write that)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Life is Good.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
We're Home!
I was going to post a picture of Kendall with her little "no-no's" strapped to her arms, sleeping soundly in her crib, but she has blood dripping down her face, so I didn't think you all really need to see that! She looks way worse than she is right now. I will wait for a pretty, well-rested, Kendall and take a picture tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe, we will see her right eye-ball instead of just white! (actually, the papers say it may take up to three months to see results, if we see any!)
We have to take a break from therapy for a week...shucks...while Kendall recovers.
SO, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers and well wishes. Like always, we feel extremely blessed to have such amazing friends and family. Much love to you all.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Surgery Tomorrow...
Anyway, please say a prayer for our precious Kendall. She is also having her pressures checked, an examination under anesthesia, and the ABR to check her hearing. We will hear the results from the audiologist (ha...how'd ya like that pun?) immediately following the test. We also suspect her Ophthalmologist will visit with us about his findings after her surgery.
It's been a crazy day, and I have more to share... but with a very busy evening ahead, I will need to update later.
Please remember to say a prayer for Kendall! (right now would be a good time!!)
Friday, May 15, 2009
New Computer!


She likes to listen to the big kids swimming. I can't wait for the water to get warmer, so she can participate! Thanks Aunt Kristin for the awesome covered swing. It will make this summer way more enjoyable for all of us :) (and thanks for the very generous gift card to sunglass hut, and Avante...that will also make the summer more enjoyable for me!)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Stay at Home Mom!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!

Nonny and Poppy kept Kendall and Kamden last night at their house, so Justin and I could attend a barbecue with some new friends. We had a blast. I didn't think I would be out til after midnight two days in a row...but I was! That's probably it for me for a while! My liver hurts.
OK...so this is totally not Kendall related, but have any of you read the book "Skinny Bi*ch" Its a diet book (obviously) and I started it thinking, hmmmm, this all makes total sense. This lady really knows what she's talking about. Then as I read on, I realized that she may be a vegetarian, then as I read further I realized yes, she definitely is...a Vegan. Then I continued through the chapter talking about cruelty to animals, etc... Definitely made me think. I might be able to do this...(although today I devoured the chicken Justin grilled) So, I am going to try now to gradually change our eating habits. We could definitely use more fresh fruits and vegetables around here. Also after reading about all the horrible things in our processed foods, I was actually a bit scared for my kids' health. Kendall certainly doesn't need any more problems, and Kamden has a few issues too. I'm not planning on quiting cold turkey (no pun intended!) but Justin and I agreed we should probably start making healthier (organic) choices at the grocery store. Oh, and Splenda is its own food group as far as I'm concerned, so there is absolutely NO WAY I will give that up. But, I could probably start drinking decaffeinated tea at Starbucks instead of lattes. Check back with me in a week...we'll see how that goes. I personally like "dead carcasses"A LOT. Steak in particular. And there is no way Justin would ever give up meat completely. Can I be a half -way Vegan? Probably not.
Anyway, this week is packed full with appointments and therapies. And I will be on my own. Wish me luck!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Night Out!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Daddy's Home!
Justin returned from his trip to a happy Kendall. She melts our hearts the way she responds to us when we come home. It can totally turn a stressful day around. This is a video of Justin greeting Kendall and at the end Kendall smothers him with kisses....something she has started to do a lot.
***DISCLAIMER*** Justin doesn't normally talk like this, and "whicapacachiu" is a sound one of her toys makes that makes her laugh. Its become a part of our daily vocabulary around here! Oh, and Justin has no idea I'm posting this. But he never looks at the blog anyway! So I should be safe!
My Daddy returned home safely today too! And I am so glad. We ALL missed him!
Seizures are still bad. They have also changed a bit. Instead of just jerking her left arm forward, she is now throwing both hands up in the air, much like the startle she used to do in her first few months of life. Again, they don't last long, but they stress me out. Maybe it's the weather?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
All Better

Monday, May 4, 2009
So Hilarious!
So, I had to post this because it made me laugh out loud. I don't know these kids, but I wish I did. My sister thinks that about 1 minute 5o seconds through...the girl in the background performs my signature dance move. (Justin...I knew this would make you laugh!)
I'll update more about Kendall stuff later!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weight Gain!
Sad to say...my grandfather passed away on Friday. Just a few days short of his 95th birthday. He lives in DC, and my dad flew up on Friday morning, but got there too late. His memorial service is on Tuesday. I won't be able to go to the service, but my dad, Granny, and aunts are in my thoughts this week. I miss my dad so much. Its been a reality check for sure having him out of town! My sister and I have been blessed to have our Grandparents as long as we have. My other grandpa (who I was REALLY close to) passed last summer. So I'm fresh out of grandpas now:(
Kam and I made a trip to the bookstore yesterday and loaded up on books. We're reading Twilight together right now. (don't judge me! Kamden is a very mature 8 year old...and I need to see what all the fuss is about) He got some Magic Tree House books, and I was successful in getting a book that didn't have anything to do with Special Needs, or Therapy or Self Help! Actually, I'm embarrassed to say I bought a book called Bitter is the New Black. Totally mindless read! But I've been enjoying it!
Hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing weekend like we did! Have a great week!