Since the seizures have decreased, Kendall has been playing like crazy. She wants to be engaged pretty much ALL the time. She absolutely loves her switch toys. Its great to see her having fun on her own too. Our new OT has been great for Kendall. She told us to scrap the old hand splints and she's creating new ones for her. Having OT twice a week has been great and we're seeing huge benefits from it. Kendall will even hold her sippy cup on her own (and drink from it!) just for this OT!
The ramp Poppy made was a bit frightening for Kendall at first. I think she's warming up to it now though. We had to decrease the incline to prevent her from sliding down it! Now, she has to work a little bit harder, but she will (with the help of gravity) scoot down it. She gets very proud of herself when she does. She just has to be in the right mood.
Feeding continues to be an issue. She has been getting her calories...it just takes a while.
Nursing has worked itself out and I'm getting used to it. We have a delightful nurse who is so kind and compassionate with Kendall (and me!) She comes on Tuesdays, Fridays, and some Saturdays. Hopefully we will be able to continue having her. She cooked a wonderful Lebanese dinner for us tonight (yes, she cooked and I watched! Totally not in her job description, but I think I scarred her last week when she watched me make a meat loaf...she probably thinks I need help...but I'm open to free cooking lessons!) She's fluent in German (guess that doesn't really have anything to do with anything...I just think its cool!), and really clicks with Kendall. She gets her to eat, and also participated in therapy today. She's definitely an answer to prayers. I think we make a pretty good team during the day!
My mom has started her treatments, and she has been very run down and ill. This is just the beginning, so please send some extra prayers her way. I know if anybody is tough enough to live through this its my mom...I just hate to think of her feeling badly all the time. I'm sure there will be good days and bad days. Hopefully more good than bad.